Choosing Between Pro V1 and Pro V1x

Posted in Ttileist

CHOOSING BETWEEN PRO V1 AND PRO V1x: Both Pro V1 and Pro V1x deliver extraordinary distance, the best scoring performance for all golfers, and long lasting durability, yet differ in feel, long game spin and flight. Pro V1 has a softer feel, slightly more long game spin and a more penetrating trajectory for a shallower angle of descent for more roll than Pro V1x. • Pro V1 is a three-piece, multiple component technology with a very soft compression ZG process core, ionomeric casing layer, softer thermoset urethane elastomer cover, and spherically-tiled 352 tetrahedral dimple design. Pro V1x has a slightly firmer feel and lower long game spin and launches higher with a steeper angle of descent than Pro V1. • Pro V1x is a four-piece, multi-component technology with a ZG process dual core, ionomeric casing layer, softer thermoset urethane elastomer cover and spherically- tiled 328 tetrahedral dimple design.
