Team Titleist: WedgeCraft - The Truth about Shaft Lean in the Short Game

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During the exclusive short game experience that they presented for Team Titleist members, WedgeCraft co-founders Layne Savoie and Dr. Rob Neal stressed that the name of the game in wedge play is spin. Spin correlates directly with control and the ability of a golfer to get the ball to stop close to the hole. Through the course of Doc and Layne's 6-year study, one of the most startling discoveries their data bore out is that the best wedge players in the world lean the shaft forward at impact. This goes for finesse shots as well as distance wedges. As Doc shares in the following excerpt from the clinic, this information was met initially with a lot of resistance, as it flies in the face of the conventional teaching that the shaft must be vertical in order to use the bounce properly. So why aren’t the best wedge players doing what we thought they should be doing? Simple. Shaft lean creates more friction between the ball and the clubface, boosting rpm's and increasing the odds of getting up and down. Link to the full recap story: (PLACEHOLDER - To learn more about Layne and Doc and the wealth of wedge play knowledge they’ve assembled, please visit
