COVID-19 Update on Behalf of NAGA

Dear Members,
On behalf of the Saskatchewan Allied Associations (Canadian Society of Club Managers, Golf Saskatchewan, National Golf Course Owners Association Canada, PGA of Canada, Saskatchewan Zone and Saskatchewan Turfgrass Association), we wanted to send you a note to update you on the work we are doing together on behalf of the golf industry in Saskatchewan.
As you are well aware, golf in Saskatchewan has been deemed a non-essential business service within the current Public Health Order which means that all courses must remain closed at this time. Golf courses can however continue to employ staff to maintain the course ensuring that the staff follow social distancing practices and all other safety protocols as directed by the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer.
As the Province of Saskatchewan develops their action plan for economic recovery, the Saskatchewan Allied Golf Associations have extended their support towards this task. In addition to the health and safety of our communities, we understand the importance of restarting the economy as well as ensuring the mental health of people moving forward through the recovery phase and we believe that golf is uniquely positioned to help support that mission.
Fortunately, golf courses are very well positioned to adhere to all physical distancing, sanitation and safety protocols established by the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer so it is for these reasons that we have submitted our request to government that golf courses be among the first industries for approval to open once the COVID-19 health management allows for Provincial economic recovery strategies to proceed.
We have also developed golf course Safety Best Practices that further support the safety commitment of the golf industry. These have also been provided to government. Click here to access the Safety Best Practices.
Overall, golf in Saskatchewan generates $446 million in gross domestic product, more than all other participation sports. That includes millions of dollars in charitable funds raised each year, once again more than all other sports and our 204 golf courses and driving ranges employ over 17,000 Saskatchewan residents. As you can see, we are an important part of the government’s economic recovery plan once government feels they can safely begin to expand the list of businesses allowed to be open.
We will continue to work on your behalf and keep you updated as this issue develops.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Stay well!

Kevin O'Donovan
NGCOA Canada - Prairie Chapter
Tel.: 866-626-4262 extension 42 | 204-832-6842