1st Men's Night of the Year May 17th

2017 Men’s Night format
Several changes to the Men's Night format are planned for the 2017 season. Please be sure to read the Men's Night format below so that you are aware of the changes.
START DATE: Wednesday May 17th Shotgun start at 4:00 p.m. Tee times for those members that cannot make the weekly shotgun will be available until 5:00pm.
ANNUAL DUES: $60.00 for Deer Valley Golf Club members $100.00 for non-Deer Valley Golf Club members (DV members pay for their Golf Canada Card with their DV membership)
WEEKLY FEES: This package will include:
· 18 holes of golf & Cart
· Driving Range and Practice Facility
· Sponsor prizes
Non-Members $50.00 (Tax included), Members $0
DIVISIONS: The divisions will be determined by enrollment in Men’s Club and may float on a weekly basis to ensure equal numbers of players in each division. Based on last year’s membership the divisions would be as follows:1-15 handicap
16 & Over handicap
SKINS: The skins divisions will mirror the handicap divisions. A gross (no handicap) skins game will also be available to enter. Players can enter both the handicap skins game as well as the gross skins game.
Based on an 9 hole event, skins will be available on 9 holes.
Divisional prizes for 9 hole score.
Deuce pot on only one par 3 per night. The competition hole will be randomly selected prior to each round (Purse to be paid out each night).
There will be a one closest to the pin prize on two par 3’s.
Blue Tees: Players under 17 Handicap
White Tees: Players 18 & over handicap or players over the age of 60.
HANDICAPS: A valid Golf Canada handicap will be needed to be eligible for net prizes. All net prizes will be scored according to 100% of your handicap including skins. If you have not used the Golf Canada handicapping system in the past please contact John for more information.
MEALS: The weekly buffet will be optional this year and will be available for $12 for each Men’s Night. A limited menu will also be available to order from the kitchen. Meal tickets will be available for purchase in the lounge.
SPONSORS: Weekly prizes will be drawn and a minimum of $400 worth of retail items will be given away each week.
WIND-UP: We will wind up the year with our last Wednesday being September 13th. The format will be a 9-hole shotgun event.
REGISTRATION: To register for the 2017 Men's Club please visit https://deervalleygolf.ca/mens-league-registration.
Thank you,
Deer Valley Men’s Club Committee